To me, everyone is unique but some patients just leave an indelible mark in my life... I hope to be able to record my experiences and the things I have learned from them. Then, if I encounter a similar situation in future, I would be able to handle it better and emerge a better wo-man!
P.S. There are many times when students are not allowed to perform skills due to either hospital policies or patient's right to refuse them. However when students are allowed, I feel that sometimes, students have to look for skills instead of just lamenting that there are no skills available for practice. It means 1) look for one's OWN skills instead of snatching other students'. 2) actively ask the nurses for any skills available instead of waiting for the nurses to approach and ask if the student needs/ wants to perform a particular skill. If everyone does this, postings and therefore reflections, would be happier events =)
Psychiatric Posting
Medical-Surgical Posting (Ortho)
Rehabilitation Posting
Obstetrics Posting
Rehabilitation Posting II
Paedatrics Posting
Aged Care Posting